.. php:namespace:: phpctrl\ui ====== Header ====== Can be used for page or section headers. Based around: http://semantic-ui.com/elements/header.html. Demo: http://demo.phpcontrols.com/ui/header.php Basic Usage =========== By default header size will depend on where you add it:: $this->add(['Header', 'Hello, Header']); Attributes ========== .. php:attr:: size .. php:attr:: subHeader Specify size and sub-header content:: $seg->add([ 'Header', 'H1 header', 'size'=>1, 'subHeader'=>'H1 subheader' ]); // or $seg->add([ 'Header', 'Small header', 'size'=>'small', 'subHeader'=>'small subheader' ]); Icon and Image =============== .. php:attr:: icon .. php:attr:: image Header may specify icon or image:: $seg->add([ 'Header', 'Header with icon', 'icon'=>'settings', 'subHeader'=>'and with sub-header' ]); Here you can also specify seed for the image:: $img = 'https://cdn.rawgit.com/atk4/ui/07208a0af84109f0d6e3553e242720d8aeedb784/public/logo.png'; $seg->add([ 'Header', 'Center-aligned header', 'aligned'=>'center', 'image'=>[$img, 'disabled'], 'subHeader'=>'header with image' ]);