Input Fields

PHPControls dedicates a separate namespace for the Form Fields. What’s common about the Form Fields is that they have either ‘input’ or ‘select’ element inside them making them perfect for using inside a atk4uiForm.

Field can also be used on it’s own like this:

$page->add(new \phpctrl\ui\FormField\Line());

There are 3 important classes in FormField namespace that you should be aware of:

  • Generic (abstract, extends View) - Bindings with Form and Models.
  • Input (abstract, extends Generic) - HTML-generation capabilities.
  • Line, Money, etc (extends Input) - Deal with specific Field Type.

When you define your Model Fields, the ‘type’ will be mapped to appropriate FormField object. Most of those will extend Input, so it makes sense to start by looking at this class.

Binding Fields with Form

Adding fields to the form is done through Form::addField, but you can also associate any field with a form manually:

$tabs = $form->add('Tabs');

$tab = $tabs->addTab();

$cols = $tab->add('Columns');

$c1 = $cols->addColumn();

$line = $c1->add('FormField/Line', [

The rest of this documentation chapter focuses on field visual presentation. To learn more about Forms and how it interacts with fields, go to the Forms

Look and Feel

Similar to other views, Input has various properties that you can specify directly or inject through constructor. Those properties will affect the look of the input element. For example, icon property:

Here are few ways to specify icon to an Input:

// compact
$page->add(new \phpctrl\ui\FormField\Line('icon'=>'search'));

// Type-hinting friendly
$line = new \phpctrl\ui\FormField\Line();

// using class factory
$page->add('FormField/Line', ['icon'=>'search']);

The ‘icon’ property can be either string or a View. The string is for convenience and will be automatically substituted with new Icon($icon). If you wish to be more specifc and pass some arguments to the icon, there are two options:

// compact
$line->icon=['search', 'big'];

// Type-hinting friendly
$line->icon = new Icon('search');

To see how Icon interprets new Icon([‘search’, ‘big’]), refer to Icon.


View’s constructor will map received arguments into object properties, if they are defined or addClass() if not. See View::setProperties.

property phpctrl\ui\FormField\placeholder

Will set placeholder property.

property phpctrl\ui\FormField\loading

Set to “left” or “right” to display spinning loading indicator.

property phpctrl\ui\FormField\label
property phpctrl\ui\FormField\labelRight

Convert text into Label and insert it into the field.

property phpctrl\ui\FormField\action
property phpctrl\ui\FormField\actionLeft

Convert text into Button and insert it into the field.

To see various examples of fields and their attributes see demos/field.php.

Integration with Form

This section explains how Field interracts with the form.

JavaScript on Input

phpctrl\ui\FormField\jsInput([$event[, $other_action]])

Input class implements method jsInput which is identical to View::js, except that it would target the INPUT element rather then the whole field:
