
class phpctrl\ui\Label

Labels can be used in many different cases, either as a stand-alone objects, inside tables or inside other Controls.

To see what possible classes you can use on the Label, see:


Basic Usage

First argument of constructor or first element in array passed to constructor will be the text that will appear on the label:

$label = $app->add(['Label', 'hello world']);

// or

$label = new \phpctrl\ui\Label('hello world');

Label has the following properties:

property phpctrl\ui\Label::$icon
property phpctrl\ui\Label::$iconRight
property phpctrl\ui\Label::$image
property phpctrl\ui\Label::$imageRight
property phpctrl\ui\Label::$detail

All the above can be string, array (passed to Icon, Image or View class) or an object.


There are two properties (icon, iconRight) but you can set only one at a time:

$app->add(['Label', '23', 'icon'=>'mail']);
$app->add(['Label', 'new', 'iconRight'=>'delete']);

You can also specify icon as an object:

$app->add(['Label', 'new', 'iconRight'=>new \phpctrl\ui\Icon('delete')]);

For more information, see: Icon


Image cannot be specified at the same time with the icon, but you can use PNG/GIF/JPG image on your label:

$img = '';
$app->add(['Label', 'Coded in PHP', 'image'=>$img]);


You can specify “detail” component to your label:

$app->add(['Label', 'Number of lines', 'detail'=>'33']);


Label can be part of the group, but you would need to either use custom HTML template or composition:

$group = $app->add(['View', false, 'blue tag', 'ui'=>'labels']);
$group->add(['Label', '$9.99']);
$group->add(['Label', '$19.99', 'red tag']);
$group->add(['Label', '$24.99']);

Combining classes

Based on Semantic UI documentation, you can add more classes to your labels:

$columns = $app->add('Columns');

$c = $columns->addColumn();
$col = $c->add(['View', 'ui'=>'raised segment']);

// attach label to the top of left column
$col->add(['Label', 'Left Column', 'top attached', 'icon'=>'book']);

// ribbon around left column
$col->add(['Label', 'Lorem', 'red ribbon', 'icon'=>'cut']);

// add some content inside column
$col->add(['LoremIpsum', 'size'=>1]);

$c = $columns->addColumn();
$col = $c->add(['View', 'ui'=>'raised segment']);

// attach label to the top of right column
$col->add(['Label', 'Right Column', 'top attached', 'icon'=>'book']);

// some content
$col->add(['LoremIpsum', 'size'=>1]);

// right bottom corner label
$col->add(['Label', 'Ipsum', 'orange bottom right attached', 'icon'=>'cut']);

Added labels into Table

You can even use label inside a table, but because table renders itself by repeating periodically, then the following code is needed:

$table->addHook('getHTMLTags', function ($table, $row) {
    if ($row->id == 1) {
        return [
            'name'=> $table->app->getTag('div', ['class'=>'ui ribbon label'], $row['name']),

Now while $table will be rendered, if it finds a record with id=1, it will replace $name value with a HTML tag. You need to make sure that ‘name’ column appears first on the left.