If you didn’t read documentation on Table you should start with that. While table implements the actual data rendering, Grid component supplies various enhancements around it, such as paginator, quick-search, toolbar and others by relying on other Controls.
Using Grid¶
Here is a simple usage:
$layout->add('Grid')->setModel(new Country($db));
To make your grid look nicer, you might want to add some buttons and enable quicksearch:
$grid = $layout->add('Grid');
$grid->setModel(new Country($db));
$grid->menu->addItem('Reload Grid', new \phpctrl\ui\jsReload($grid));
Adding Quick Search¶
After you have associated grid with a model using View::setModel()
you can
include quick-search component:
$grid->addQuickSearch(['name', 'surname']);
If you don’t specify argument, then search will be done by a models title field. (model.html#title-field)
Grid comes with a paginator already. You can disable it by setting $paginator property to false. You can use $ipp to specify different number of items per page:
$grid->ipp = 10;
supports use of TableColumnActions
, which allows to display button for each row.
Calling addAction() provides a useful short-cut for creating column-based actions.
Grid can have a checkbox column for you to select elements. It relies on TableColumnCheckbox
, but will
additionally place this column before any other column inside a grid. You can use TableColumnCheckbox::jsChecked()
method to reference value of selected checkboxes inside any Actions:
$sel = $grid->addSelection();
$grid->menu->addItem('show selection')->on('click', new \phpctrl\ui\jsExpression(
'alert("Selected: "+[])', [$sel->jsChecked()]
When grid is associated with a model that supports order, it will automatically make itself sortable. You can override this behaviour by setting $sortable property to true or false.
Additionally you may set list of sortable fields to a sortable property if you wish that your grid would be sortable only for those columns.
See also Table::$sortable